We had a celebration dinner last 2 weeks. The objectives of the dinner, as the name indicates, is to celebrate our last years achivement. Higher profit margin (exceed KPI), zero LTI (lost time due to injury), success during plant turnaround, and others. As part of my job requirement, I have to organize this dinner. The dinner was held in two session to accommodate the huge number of staff (1,600 x 2(their spouse)=3,200..phew). It was a success I must say. The colour red has been choosen as the theme for the night. All working committee were given a "uniform" to be worn during the dinner. Guest artist for the night is heliza of AF5 and waheeda. But I hated the MC tho.. sakit nye telinga listening to her voice.. so mengada2. We paid her 4K just to hear her mispronounce all the names (speaking of professionalism), and her accent... yuck!
Anyway, here are some of the pic taken. It was me and some of the working committee.. enjoy!
**** charlies angels la konon.. hahaha