I've been to the 1st Maternity & Children Expo that was held in March, early this year. At that time, I was 5 months pregnant with my baby. Sebab rasa expo tu best sangat, I went there twice! one time on my own, the second time with hubby. So when I heard they are conducting the 2nd Expo, I decided to go again! this time my baby is already 4 months old! This time what I dont like is the door gift. The 1st expo, i receive so many interesting door gift. This time around is a bit lousy. The marketing team needs to work harder to get sponsors for the 3rd Expo next year!
But what I like is there are more booth this time. Even Mother Care opens a booth too. They are selling all items at 50% - 70% discount!

The above are items that I bought. Notice the red bag? That is the diaper bag that I bought from mother care booth. Original price was RM310. After less was only RM130! sangat cantik and so many compartments! it even comes with bottle warmer and baby changing mat.
I am soooo looking forward to he next Maternity & Children Expo in March 2012 (the 4th Expo will be in November 2012).