Korang pernah tak try makan nasi talam/ nasi dulang? I had my first experience during the first day of hari raya at hubby's kampung. At first I taught it was kindda disgusting to share a "big plate" with others, but afterward, I knew I was absolutely wrong. Sharing your meal in a big plate such as dulang is fun and a good way to enforce your relationship. Mesra dan mengeratkan silaturahim. And it is convinient too.. kurang pinggan nak cuci :) owh, and it saves water too! will definitely have nasi talam with my hubby (and future kids) in future!
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Nasi Talam
Korang pernah tak try makan nasi talam/ nasi dulang? I had my first experience during the first day of hari raya at hubby's kampung. At first I taught it was kindda disgusting to share a "big plate" with others, but afterward, I knew I was absolutely wrong. Sharing your meal in a big plate such as dulang is fun and a good way to enforce your relationship. Mesra dan mengeratkan silaturahim. And it is convinient too.. kurang pinggan nak cuci :) owh, and it saves water too! will definitely have nasi talam with my hubby (and future kids) in future!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Nirvana Maju Banana Leaf Rice
This year is my first year celebrating Hari Raya as a wife, with a husband and in laws, and away from my own family :( Anyway, it didnt turn out bad tho. I didn't cry or what-so-ever. Will tell you more about my experience in my next entry.
Hubby and I had our last buka puasa in kampung (the Hari Raya eve). So the day before we left for kampung, hubby and I decided to break our fast outside (saya malas nak masak, malas nak mess the kitchen, malas nak kemas). So I picked to Nirvana Maju Banana Leaf Rice in Bangsar. I've been to that place once, and man! it was finger licking good! (altho i did use fork & spoon instead of fingers).
My friends who've been there for break-fast advised me to call for reservation as the place can get really crowded and packed at times, especially for buka puasa. So I did and it was easy peasy. All i did is call the restaurant, my call was answered after 3 rings, and the person asked me 3 questions. 1) How many pax? 2) Smoking or non-smoking 3) Name & Hp no. That's all! no credit card guarantee, no advance payment required.
We ordered Banana Leave Rice set each for both of us and added Fried Fish (lupa dah nama ikan tu apa), Fried Squid, and Masala Chicken. And we finished our food in less then 20mins! sedap gile ok. Kari kaw giler. Siapa gile curry, sila la visit this place.
The Banana Leave Rice set consist of the following:
- rice served with 3 types of vegetables (peria goreng dia is a must try! I asked for refill twice! very addictive)
- choices of curry and/or dhal
- condiments such as deep fried salted chili
- also served with papadom
Price is totally affordable. Normal set (minus the fried fish, chicken, etc) is about +-RM15 per person (plus drinks). We paid RM45 (2 sets of banana leave rice + fish + chicken + squid + Ice lemon tea + mango lassi). That is so cheap! (considering the place is in high-end area)
So people, do give the place a try ;p
Sri Nirwana Maju 43 Jalan Telawi Tiga,
Bangsar Baru, 59100 Kuala Lumpur
GPS: 3.131014,101.670892
Tel: 03-2287 8445
Sunday, September 05, 2010
Controversial Iklan Raya TV3 2010
Apa lagi, I was so curious and started to Google it to see what is so "controversial" about the advertisement.
After watching it, I feel sad for TV3. Sad that tV3 is so ignorance. It was so obvious and a huge TV station like TV3 can make such a stupid mistake (or was it intentional?). They should fire everyone in the PR / Corporate Comm/ Corporate Branding Dept. Stupid!
For those of you who missed it, you can watch it here. (I hope tak ramai la budak2 yang tgk iklan ni.. sgt kurafat and boleh memesongkan)
Below are the interpretation found for the video...
Scene1, Budak Lelaki Melayu Tilik Buku
Budak Lelaki Melayu sedang menilik-nilik sebuah buku bergambar di malam yang gelap dalam sebuah pondok buruk beratapkan rumbia denganbertemankan sebiji mentol. Terdapat sebuah sangkar burung yang tergantung... di sebelah kanan tingkap yang terbuka.
1.Budak Lelaki Melayu - Orang Melayu
2.Buku - Bible
3.Pondok Buruk Beratap Rumbia - Kemiskinan
4.Malam Yang Gelap - Islam yang mundur
5.Mentol Lampu - Pencerahan (Illumination) - Lucifer@Iblis
6.Sangkar Burung - Simbol manusia yang terkurung dan terkongkong dengan ajaran ISLAM
7.Tingkap Terbuka - Jalan keluar dari kemiskinan dan kemunduran
Scene2 - Close Up Muka Surat Bergambar Beca
Close up sehelai mukasurat yang mempunyai gambar sebuah beca bewarna merah dengan berlatarbelakangkan sebuah pokok Krismas dan North Star (Bintang Utara), menutup sehelai mukasurat lain bertulisan JAWI yang diterbalikkan (inverted).
1.Mukasurat Bergambar - Bible (Christianity)
2.Mukasurat Jawi terbalik - Al-Quran yang dihinakan
3.Beca Merah - Samaran untuk kenderaan Santa Claus
4.North Star - Bintang Kelahiran Horus (Dajjal)
5.Pokok Krismas - Simbol Paganism
Scene3 , Keluarnya Bintang-Bintang Kecil Beraura
Keluarnya bintang-bintang kecil beraura yang membawa cahaya darigambar beca. Budak Melayu delighted (kagum dan gembira). Bintang-bintang berterbangan keluar dari tingkap rumah buruk lalu membentuk sebuah beca merah berlampu lip-lap dengan seorang lelaki separuh abad yang memakai songkok (bukan ketayap) putih dan berambut putih. Lelaki separuh abad mempelawa budak Melayu untuk bersama-sama menaiki beca merah dan seterusnya meninggalkan pondok buruk.
1.Bintang-bintang kecil beraura -Keajaiban, kekayaan, kemahsyuran, kemodenan etc.
2.Lelaki Rambut Putih Dan Bersongkok Putih -POPE - Ketua Agama Kristian
3.Pelawaan Menaiki Beca - Pelawaan Masuk Kristian
Scene4, Budak Melayu Masuk Ke Dalam Beca
Budak Lelaki Melayu dengan seorang Budak Perempuan Melayu masuk ke dalam beca dan terus duduk bersandar. (Scene ini memaparkan kejayaan memurtadkan (merosakkan) Bangsa Melayu)
1.Budak Lelaki Dan Budak Perempuan Melayu - Bangsa Melayu. - yusrizan usop
[Disamping scene-scene yang dinyatakan, ternyata gambaran beberapa orang mengacau dodol dan keluarnya pelita dari kelopak bungat Teratai pula jelas menunjukkan cahaya datang dari Tuhan Brahma (Budhha) untuk menerangi alam ini. Semua ini jelas menunjukkan yang ada agenda jahat pihak berkenaan untuk memesongkan minda umat Islam di negara ini.
Friday, September 03, 2010
Grown Ups @ The Breakfast Show
So I spent the days watching tv instead. From one program to another. And surfing internet and well, watch TV some more.
One morning, as I was switching channels, my attention was caught by The Breakfast Show at NTV7. This is a talk show similar to what Channel 9 (Nasi Lemak Kopi-O) and TV3 (MHI) had.
The host on The Breakfast Show (TBS) was promoting the new movie titled Grown Ups and they are running a contest to all viewers. I was bored, remember? So i decided why not try for the contest! All I need to do is name all 5 actors in the movie and submit my details together with slogan "I love to watch The Breakfast Show because....". I quickly search for the answers (with the help from Google of course) and email it to the show.
A week later, I received a call from people at NTV7 and was informed that I am the winner!!!! I was so happy! No, I did not win a car or hand phone for that matter. I just won a pair of tickets to watch the movie and Grown Ups official merchandise. I know it was nothing precious, but winning make me feel so GOOD! hehehe
Here are my prizes. Grown Ups merchandise (Cap, hand-fan, and fordable storage box) and a pair of movie tickets! I dont know what's up with the maxis paper bag, probably it was sponsored by them.
Saya happy :)
Thursday, September 02, 2010
Chili's Ramadan Special
Chili's didn't take reservation for Buka Puasa. However, they will open the que for Buka Puasa at 6.00pm daily. We arrived Empire at 5.30 and by 5.50pm, the que has already been quite long! We managed to get a seat at 6.15pm (Alhamdulillah).

I had Crispy Honey - Chipotle Chicken Crispers (RM29.95).It was very tasty and served with sweet corn on the cob and homestyle fries.
Chili's Contact Details:
Bangsar Chili's Grill & Bar Tel : 20922023
KLCC Chili's Grill & Bar Tel : 21641400
Mid Valley Chili's Grill & Bar Tel : 22876788
1 Utama Chili's Grill & Bar Tel : 7725 7277
G Hotel Chili's Grill & Bar Tel : 04-210 1111
Subang Chili's Grill & Bar Tel : 03-5631 8825