I love my work and enjoying every minute doing it. And I promise to work harder next year and perform better.
One of the things that I enjoy doing is traveling. This year I didn't get to travel as much as I want to. So I hope I can travel more next year (POSSIBLE KE?). Places that I wish to visit is Australia, Italy or yang dekat2 probably Vietnam or Bangkok. (Owh... and I really2 want to go to Paris and New York... one day perhaps)
I'm 30 years now, and my responsibility is increasing. In order to be responsible on other things, I need to be responsible on my own health first. I need to really discipline, and more aware of what I put into my mouth and into my body. I will eat healthily, eat more greens, drink more water, eat less sugar and processed food. And starting to religiously take my supplements too.
I will pray harder too. Indeed I need to be more discipline. And I've been thinking of wearing Hijab for quite sometime already. Perhaps I'll do it next year? InsyaAllah....
I guess this is the hardest part of all. I am determined to get my self a thread-mill. I'm not in a condition that allows me to work-out, diet, loose weight and get in shape right now. I can only do that probably in August next year. So by 08/2011, I'll get my self a thread-mill, and work my-ass out on it and hoping to make my body somewhat like the girl in the picture above :p
And I dont know if I can do this next year, but I really2 wish I can get back to diving. I am a certified scuba diver and its been quite sometimes since I last been under the water. I really2 miss it. And I miss my dive buddy. And I miss my pink fins (yerp, my fins are in hot pink.. hehe)
wish me lots of luck! hehehe.... happy new year to all of you my lovely readers :)