Sara called me this morning, she said our plan to play badminton tonite is on. yeay! tapi one tiny weeny problem. Saya takde reket. tennis reket I have.. hehe.
So, naturally lepas keje I went to find one. Fiance suggested to look at Giant sebb nearer to my house, so less traffic (Traffic on Friday, I cant find words to describe it).
(I heard Giant Kota Damansara is the biggest in Asia Pasific Region... betul ke? Another thing to be proud of as Kota Damansara residence :D)
Masa dok pilih reket tu, I noticed this indian lady with her 4 kids. Nothing significant about them, but the reason why i notice them is because of the loud noise made by her kids... So i just ignored, proceed to the cashier, bayar and proceed to my car parked at the oper air parking lot.
Tetiba masa nak masukkan barang dalam kerete, the same Indian lady approach me. Here's our conversation:
Lady: Excuse me, do you know where i can find taxi
(from her pronouciation, i believe she is not Malaysian)
Me: I dont think you can find taxi here, this place is quite remote (ye la, Giant nie mcm kat atas bukit sikit).
Lady: *looking worried* I need to get a taxi
Me: How do you get here?
Lady: We walk from OU (her kids said the same together... which is freaky)
Me: so far away??? how can you walk from there? I have taxi phone number if you wanna call them
Kid 1: we dont have hp.
Me: owh... (then start rasa tak best and quickly get to driver seat)
Lady: If you dun mind, can u pls help send us to Ikea?
(Owh crap.. suddenly I started recalling all the e-mails send by my friends about weird incidents like this which lead to something bad)
Me: owh, i'm not passing Ikea, my home is just near here. I'm sorry
(quickly get inside the car, lock the door, and leave)
So, what do you think? are they up to sumthing bad? Did i made the right move/ decision?
I feel bad tho leaving them just like that, if there are innocent that is :(
Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Fav flowers
This morning, one of my BFF mailed and asked what is my fav flowers. Jawapan poyo ialah rose.. hehehe. I dunno the actual reason why she asked me this question as she refused to tell me. I suspect that this is part of their preparation for my Hen Party (ala2 bachelor party la, it is for bride to be). I’m so nervous thinking what they are planning for the party. All they said to me is to dress sexy, and have fun! Huh, what is the plan girl???
But actually I love gerbera. Somehow the flowers make me happy.
So tell me what is your favorite?


Dettol Survey
Source: The Star
Survey conducted at 140 homes in seven countries. The finding is rather shocking. Toilet handles and telephones are among the cleanest items in many Malaysian homes, with kitchen towels and taps being dirtier than toilet flushes and toilet door handles.
So girls, focus more on your kitchen cleanliness ok. A reminder to myself too… balik nie nak rendam sume kitchen cloth dalam warm water + dettol.
But actually I love gerbera. Somehow the flowers make me happy.
So tell me what is your favorite?


Dettol Survey
Source: The Star
Survey conducted at 140 homes in seven countries. The finding is rather shocking. Toilet handles and telephones are among the cleanest items in many Malaysian homes, with kitchen towels and taps being dirtier than toilet flushes and toilet door handles.
So girls, focus more on your kitchen cleanliness ok. A reminder to myself too… balik nie nak rendam sume kitchen cloth dalam warm water + dettol.
M@d Ab@ut PiZZa
I’m a sucker for Italian food. Pasta, pizza, pastries, you name it. I guess that is the culprit behind my diet-attempt-failure. I’m good at cooking them too. I never attempted pizza or pastries, maybe because I didn’t have an oven, yet, but I can make delicious pasta (my family said so… hehehe). Maybe next time I’ll blog about pasta cooking.
Coming back from work yesterday, I was craving for pizza. So me and fiancé decided to have pizza for dinner. Suddenly I recalled about this new pizza restaurant nearby my house in Kota Damansara (Dataran Sunway Damansara to be exact). The place is called MAD ABOUT PIZZA. I’m sure some of you have heard of the name or even tried it before. But the place is new to us. This place carries the tagline; “not your ordinary pizzeria”, and the restaurant looks cozy too.
Knowing that I’m a first timer there, the friendly waitress explained to me the menu and the promos that they are having. So I decided to try Make My Own Pizza! For the price of RM13.50, I get to choose a 11” pizza (medium = 6 slices) with the choice 5 toppings! Isn’t that tempting or what? So I chose the classic crust pizza (you get to choose from 3 selections of thin crust, classic crust, and for health conscious, you can opt for whole meal crust). The toppings that I opted are beef pepperoni, mushrooms, bbq chicken, pineapple and extra cheese… yummy! And here’s the outcome….

Pic 1: the pizza box

Pic 2: in just few minutes, we finished half of the pizza
(I had 1 slice, and fiance had 2!)

Pic 3: warning! Do not look at this picture during
fasting month. Hehehehe
Since the slices is quite big, I only manage to have 2 slices, while my fiance finished the remaining 4… hehehehe
Like any other pizza, the crust hardened once it is cooled off… so I would advise for the pizza to be consumed immediately, or reheat if you have microwave oven at home.For detail menu and prices (as well as mouthwatering pictures), please visit their website.
Next I’m planning on trying the pizza at Papa John’s. I will tell you the experience once I did.
kat mana lagi ada pizza best?
Coming back from work yesterday, I was craving for pizza. So me and fiancé decided to have pizza for dinner. Suddenly I recalled about this new pizza restaurant nearby my house in Kota Damansara (Dataran Sunway Damansara to be exact). The place is called MAD ABOUT PIZZA. I’m sure some of you have heard of the name or even tried it before. But the place is new to us. This place carries the tagline; “not your ordinary pizzeria”, and the restaurant looks cozy too.
Knowing that I’m a first timer there, the friendly waitress explained to me the menu and the promos that they are having. So I decided to try Make My Own Pizza! For the price of RM13.50, I get to choose a 11” pizza (medium = 6 slices) with the choice 5 toppings! Isn’t that tempting or what? So I chose the classic crust pizza (you get to choose from 3 selections of thin crust, classic crust, and for health conscious, you can opt for whole meal crust). The toppings that I opted are beef pepperoni, mushrooms, bbq chicken, pineapple and extra cheese… yummy! And here’s the outcome….
Pic 1: the pizza box
Pic 2: in just few minutes, we finished half of the pizza
(I had 1 slice, and fiance had 2!)
Pic 3: warning! Do not look at this picture during
fasting month. Hehehehe
Since the slices is quite big, I only manage to have 2 slices, while my fiance finished the remaining 4… hehehehe
Like any other pizza, the crust hardened once it is cooled off… so I would advise for the pizza to be consumed immediately, or reheat if you have microwave oven at home.For detail menu and prices (as well as mouthwatering pictures), please visit their website.
Next I’m planning on trying the pizza at Papa John’s. I will tell you the experience once I did.
kat mana lagi ada pizza best?
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
Shopping Spree
I went on shopping spree, again yesterday. I know I should be tightening my belt and all for my coming wedding, but I only shop because I really need those things. *whatever*
My first mission is to look for a perfume. The problem with me is that I didn’t stick to one particular perfume. And I can only differentiate the smell using to verbs; wangi or tak wangi. I can’t elaborate more then that! I simply can’t.
But I have a thing for Victoria Secret’s body spray. I’ve been using them for more then 5 years now. I love the smell, so did my bf (Fiance I mean). I know this because my perfume never fail to distract him from football (believe me, nothing else could!). Some of my friends describe the smell as sweet, yummy. Delicious, “geram” and “rasa macam nak makan”. Hehehe. But there is only 1 problem with the perfume. It is not available in Malaysia! (Only available in the US if I’m not mistaken) Sure there are few boutiques/ stores that sell them illegally (they are not the licensed distributor), therefore it is quite pricey and the range are limited. *sigh*

Back to my attempt to search for a perfume. My first stop is at the Estee Lauder counter. I’m tempted to buy the “white Linen” range as I got free sample last month and I think it smell nice. But unfortunately the lady at the klcc is too busy with a customer that I don’t bother to wait.
Next, I went to a corner where they displayed various perfume brands. A very friendly female-guy approached me and let me tried a few different brands. After 6 different brands and 5 coffee sniffing intervals, I still cant find the right brand. Next, I went to another sales person. She asked me how do I like my perfume to smell. I said I like floral smell, I guess. And My fiancé always seems to favor perfume with a “delicious” smell. She instantly recommended me to try on the “Incanto Heaven” by Ferragamo. And she’s absolutely right. I love it! She helps me describe the smell. It smells peaceful, elegant, fresh, and stylish all at the same time! Priced at RM 297 for a bottle of 100ml (I know, it’s a bit pricey, but I think its worth it!), the girl gave me a very trendy handbag. But save your breath, it’s not Ferragamo… hehehe

Next mission is pressed powder. I’m currently using M.A.C. It has been for 2 years now. And I love it. I’ve heard a make-up artist said that M.A.C make-up will look better once you are sweat (Once it really blends with your skin I guess). And it is true! It makes your whole look sexier.
But being me who am anxious on trying products, I’m always tempted on trying Bobbi Brown. So that is exactly what I did. As I’m approaching the counter, I’m thrilled looking at the color range as I really2 love earth color. The girl on the counter who was very observant automatically walks out from the counter and welcomes me. After telling my intention, she sits me on the chair and expertly stroke on the pressed powder on my make-up-less face. She hand me the face mirror and wallah! I look refreshed and effortless-radiant. I felt in love with the powder and its light texture. Unfortunately the one with foundation is out of stock (I mean the shade that suits me); therefore I have to settle with the normal pressed powder. The price is RM110 (non-refillable>>> another shortfalls compared to M.A.C). I decided to give it a try and if I’m not satisfied, will turn back to M.A.C. the girl offered to put a blusher and lip-gloss to complete my look. Why not! Hehehe…

On another note, i-Setan is currently having a Mid-year sale (heck, almost every store is having one, its Malaysia mid-year mega sale). Unfortunately, no discounts on perfumes and make-ups. But there are giving RM10 vouchers for every RM100 spent on these items (for members only). So apa tunggu lagi, jom shopping!
Mission accomplished! Phew…
My first mission is to look for a perfume. The problem with me is that I didn’t stick to one particular perfume. And I can only differentiate the smell using to verbs; wangi or tak wangi. I can’t elaborate more then that! I simply can’t.
But I have a thing for Victoria Secret’s body spray. I’ve been using them for more then 5 years now. I love the smell, so did my bf (Fiance I mean). I know this because my perfume never fail to distract him from football (believe me, nothing else could!). Some of my friends describe the smell as sweet, yummy. Delicious, “geram” and “rasa macam nak makan”. Hehehe. But there is only 1 problem with the perfume. It is not available in Malaysia! (Only available in the US if I’m not mistaken) Sure there are few boutiques/ stores that sell them illegally (they are not the licensed distributor), therefore it is quite pricey and the range are limited. *sigh*

Back to my attempt to search for a perfume. My first stop is at the Estee Lauder counter. I’m tempted to buy the “white Linen” range as I got free sample last month and I think it smell nice. But unfortunately the lady at the klcc is too busy with a customer that I don’t bother to wait.
Next, I went to a corner where they displayed various perfume brands. A very friendly female-guy approached me and let me tried a few different brands. After 6 different brands and 5 coffee sniffing intervals, I still cant find the right brand. Next, I went to another sales person. She asked me how do I like my perfume to smell. I said I like floral smell, I guess. And My fiancé always seems to favor perfume with a “delicious” smell. She instantly recommended me to try on the “Incanto Heaven” by Ferragamo. And she’s absolutely right. I love it! She helps me describe the smell. It smells peaceful, elegant, fresh, and stylish all at the same time! Priced at RM 297 for a bottle of 100ml (I know, it’s a bit pricey, but I think its worth it!), the girl gave me a very trendy handbag. But save your breath, it’s not Ferragamo… hehehe

Next mission is pressed powder. I’m currently using M.A.C. It has been for 2 years now. And I love it. I’ve heard a make-up artist said that M.A.C make-up will look better once you are sweat (Once it really blends with your skin I guess). And it is true! It makes your whole look sexier.
But being me who am anxious on trying products, I’m always tempted on trying Bobbi Brown. So that is exactly what I did. As I’m approaching the counter, I’m thrilled looking at the color range as I really2 love earth color. The girl on the counter who was very observant automatically walks out from the counter and welcomes me. After telling my intention, she sits me on the chair and expertly stroke on the pressed powder on my make-up-less face. She hand me the face mirror and wallah! I look refreshed and effortless-radiant. I felt in love with the powder and its light texture. Unfortunately the one with foundation is out of stock (I mean the shade that suits me); therefore I have to settle with the normal pressed powder. The price is RM110 (non-refillable>>> another shortfalls compared to M.A.C). I decided to give it a try and if I’m not satisfied, will turn back to M.A.C. the girl offered to put a blusher and lip-gloss to complete my look. Why not! Hehehe…

On another note, i-Setan is currently having a Mid-year sale (heck, almost every store is having one, its Malaysia mid-year mega sale). Unfortunately, no discounts on perfumes and make-ups. But there are giving RM10 vouchers for every RM100 spent on these items (for members only). So apa tunggu lagi, jom shopping!
Mission accomplished! Phew…
I was chatting with a friend of mine who is getting married next week. He told me that they are are going to a private villa in Bali for honeymoon. It is facing the sea and has a private pool. OMG! I was ecstatic, euphoric, thrill to think of the idea. It has always been my dream honeymoon! How can I let my dad talked me into going to Sri Lanka for my honeymoon? I really don’t mind if it’s just on one of Malaysia’s local island. The important ingredient is the place has to be private, less lights, less noise, pool, beach, food, slow music, stars…. You can walk naked all day long! Arggghhhh…
Immediately I googled a few private villas in Bali. Jom berangan bersama2! layan


Immediately I googled a few private villas in Bali. Jom berangan bersama2! layan


Wishing for a new car
Had lunch with my ex-housemates, sharn, chura and ita today at level 2 foodcourt. Sronok sgt, mcm2 cerita keluar. Cerita on sharn’s new twin girls, chura & ita’s new house, my wedding preparation, etc. We used to stay in the same house back in Kerteh. But now the four of us dah transfer KLCC. We have hell of a good time back in Kerteh. Memang happening habis. Miss the good ol’ days.
I was on MC yesterday. Doc said I have a low degree fever. But my body is bloody aching everywhere. Throat is burning. I took the medicine given and slept most of the days. Ruginye! I should have gone for window shopping at curve instead! Nie semua result of consuming too much Durian, Rambutan and Manggis. I was in Segamat for the past 4 days. Ada department meeting, and launching of our newly adopted school (Bakti Program). Now tgh musim Durian, rambutan, manggis, etc kat sana. So apa lagi, lunch makan, dinner makan, tapau lagi… then amik, flat terus… padan muka.
By the end of our department meeting, one of my officemate noticed the dent and scratch on my car. And I told him about the small accident that I met last week at LRT (I will tell you more after this). Then he made a remark (dah la kete buruk, bertambah comot jadinye). Damn, I know he didn’t mean to offend me, but sumhow it made me realize. I was the only one in the department who is driving a national car. Nazri is driving Civic, Mai is driving Vios, Syuhada – New City, My boss – BMW, Thava – Honda, etc… adoi… all of sudden I feel so depressed and down. Balik KL terus la buat luahan perasaan kat fiancé.
He said “Are you really affected by that?”
Me “yeah, in a way”
Him “ok, later we calculate our budget, and then we can change on of our car. Ok?” Me *Sengih* “OK”
Back to the small accident that I met last week, it was on one evening approximately around 6pm. I was taking my car from LRT KJ parking to go back home. I was so hungry, really2 hungry that day. I only managed to have yogurt for breakfast and a piece of biscuit for lunch. I lost my concentration and while maneuvering my car out from the parking lot, I scratch my passenger door with the car park next to me. Haih! What a day!. So habis la kereta saya… calar and kemek bagai. Bertambah2 la comotnye
Updates on my wedding preparation, my fiancé and I spent about 6 hours at my dad’s house last Saturday drafting our invitation card. We decided to have just one card (Side P’puan & side lelaki will be using the same card, nak save cost). Nak pilih doa pengantin jer dah makan masa about an hour. Let alone the format of invitation. Tapi takpe, janji puas hati. The draft has been sent to one of my dad’s ol’ friend in Jakarta. He will help sourcing for printer, etc. Tak sabar nak tgk the first draft from the printer. Really pray that it will not cost a fortune!
I was on MC yesterday. Doc said I have a low degree fever. But my body is bloody aching everywhere. Throat is burning. I took the medicine given and slept most of the days. Ruginye! I should have gone for window shopping at curve instead! Nie semua result of consuming too much Durian, Rambutan and Manggis. I was in Segamat for the past 4 days. Ada department meeting, and launching of our newly adopted school (Bakti Program). Now tgh musim Durian, rambutan, manggis, etc kat sana. So apa lagi, lunch makan, dinner makan, tapau lagi… then amik, flat terus… padan muka.
By the end of our department meeting, one of my officemate noticed the dent and scratch on my car. And I told him about the small accident that I met last week at LRT (I will tell you more after this). Then he made a remark (dah la kete buruk, bertambah comot jadinye). Damn, I know he didn’t mean to offend me, but sumhow it made me realize. I was the only one in the department who is driving a national car. Nazri is driving Civic, Mai is driving Vios, Syuhada – New City, My boss – BMW, Thava – Honda, etc… adoi… all of sudden I feel so depressed and down. Balik KL terus la buat luahan perasaan kat fiancé.
He said “Are you really affected by that?”
Me “yeah, in a way”
Him “ok, later we calculate our budget, and then we can change on of our car. Ok?” Me *Sengih* “OK”
Back to the small accident that I met last week, it was on one evening approximately around 6pm. I was taking my car from LRT KJ parking to go back home. I was so hungry, really2 hungry that day. I only managed to have yogurt for breakfast and a piece of biscuit for lunch. I lost my concentration and while maneuvering my car out from the parking lot, I scratch my passenger door with the car park next to me. Haih! What a day!. So habis la kereta saya… calar and kemek bagai. Bertambah2 la comotnye
Updates on my wedding preparation, my fiancé and I spent about 6 hours at my dad’s house last Saturday drafting our invitation card. We decided to have just one card (Side P’puan & side lelaki will be using the same card, nak save cost). Nak pilih doa pengantin jer dah makan masa about an hour. Let alone the format of invitation. Tapi takpe, janji puas hati. The draft has been sent to one of my dad’s ol’ friend in Jakarta. He will help sourcing for printer, etc. Tak sabar nak tgk the first draft from the printer. Really pray that it will not cost a fortune!
Friday, July 24, 2009
Kuala Selangor
This is the first weekend in this year that I’m totally free from work. No travelling on Friday, No work on Saturday & Sunday. Lega ok!
So decided to watch movie with bf (boring la nak panggil fiancé). We went to GSC OU. Since ramai la sgt org kat wayang, we opted to watched old movie instead. Not literally old movie. Meaning movie that has been quite sometime in the cinema. Takyah berebut, takde org nak tgk pun. The movie titled “State of Play” staring Ben Affleck & Russel Crow. Best giler ok! Although we watched the mid night show, it kept me awake till end! Memang sgt best the story line, and I must say Ben Affleck carry his part quite well. Worth the money spend on tickets.
So I slept late that night updating the wedding checklist and invitation list.
The next morning me and BF went to Amcorp Mall to checkout their wedding expo. It’s a smaller scale expo and not so many vendors are participating on the event. Hmmm… ok la, managed to gather stacked of brochure for reference and comparison.
Then on Sunday morning, we went to Sekinchan (for those of you who has problem with geography just like me, Sekinchan is sumwhere after Kuala Selangor… hehe). This is my first time been to that area. Memang macam perak sikit la… We went there with lil sis and her hubby. Mission is to check out Bahulu and kerepek for wedding favors. Dulu masa my lil sis got married, she get her supply there too.
Jauh la jugak this place. It feels like travelling back to home town (Sebab jauh la sgt).The name of the shop is M.H.P Enterprise. Kitorang pegi kilang dia terus ok. The price range is very-very affordable. Bahulu (3pcs) = RM1.00(with box)/ RM0.55 (Without box) and for bahulu pecah lapan (I call it bahulu giant because of the huge size) = RM2.00 (with box)/ RM1.20 (without box) ~quantity 500pcs and above. They also sell all sorts of keropok. I took the price list for further discussion with my dad.
On our back to KL, we stop at a road side restaurant. My lil sis was a little hesitated at first, takut tak sedap. We ordered soto special, pecal, nasi goreng ikan masin and jelly kelapa for desert. Sedap hingga menjilat jari! It was the most delicious soto and pecal I’ve ever tasted. For the record, I’m a fan of Jawa delicacies. Im a fan of tempe, so trust me when I say that the food at this restaurant, is truly tasty. Siapa-siapa yang lalu Jalan Kuala Selangor – Sekinchan, the restaurant will be on your right. So go and check it out.
Balik jer rumah terus flat. I slept for nearly 4 hours. Penat driving all the way to and back from Sekinchan.
So decided to watch movie with bf (boring la nak panggil fiancé). We went to GSC OU. Since ramai la sgt org kat wayang, we opted to watched old movie instead. Not literally old movie. Meaning movie that has been quite sometime in the cinema. Takyah berebut, takde org nak tgk pun. The movie titled “State of Play” staring Ben Affleck & Russel Crow. Best giler ok! Although we watched the mid night show, it kept me awake till end! Memang sgt best the story line, and I must say Ben Affleck carry his part quite well. Worth the money spend on tickets.
So I slept late that night updating the wedding checklist and invitation list.
The next morning me and BF went to Amcorp Mall to checkout their wedding expo. It’s a smaller scale expo and not so many vendors are participating on the event. Hmmm… ok la, managed to gather stacked of brochure for reference and comparison.
Then on Sunday morning, we went to Sekinchan (for those of you who has problem with geography just like me, Sekinchan is sumwhere after Kuala Selangor… hehe). This is my first time been to that area. Memang macam perak sikit la… We went there with lil sis and her hubby. Mission is to check out Bahulu and kerepek for wedding favors. Dulu masa my lil sis got married, she get her supply there too.
Jauh la jugak this place. It feels like travelling back to home town (Sebab jauh la sgt).The name of the shop is M.H.P Enterprise. Kitorang pegi kilang dia terus ok. The price range is very-very affordable. Bahulu (3pcs) = RM1.00(with box)/ RM0.55 (Without box) and for bahulu pecah lapan (I call it bahulu giant because of the huge size) = RM2.00 (with box)/ RM1.20 (without box) ~quantity 500pcs and above. They also sell all sorts of keropok. I took the price list for further discussion with my dad.
On our back to KL, we stop at a road side restaurant. My lil sis was a little hesitated at first, takut tak sedap. We ordered soto special, pecal, nasi goreng ikan masin and jelly kelapa for desert. Sedap hingga menjilat jari! It was the most delicious soto and pecal I’ve ever tasted. For the record, I’m a fan of Jawa delicacies. Im a fan of tempe, so trust me when I say that the food at this restaurant, is truly tasty. Siapa-siapa yang lalu Jalan Kuala Selangor – Sekinchan, the restaurant will be on your right. So go and check it out.
Balik jer rumah terus flat. I slept for nearly 4 hours. Penat driving all the way to and back from Sekinchan.
girl talk
Had lunch with my Kerteh friends at a Sushi Restaurant. The set that we ordered were delicious. Although the price is not that expensive, surprisingly the taste is not like the typical food court Japanese food. It was decent, well presented and delicious.
Over the almost 2 hour lunch, we sure made lots of talks and definitely catching up on gossips. I was made to understand that there is a new girl who joint the company and is apparently labeled as “hot” among the guys, although my friends didn’t agree with that. According to them, her height and slim build up are the attributes that made her “look” hot. Well, that is not what we are bitching about. The problem with this “hot” chick is that she’s been bf hopping. Making promises and breaking people’s heart. Well, what can we say, serve the men right, right? They always go for good look, and personality comes second. You ask for it guys!
Next topic on the plate is BRAZILIAN WAX! My friend is sharing her experience doing it. And ouch, hell it hurts (according to her la kan…). She is doing it at Strip Ministry of Waxing, The Curve. Apparently, it is a Singapore Company and now spreading its wing to Malaysia. They also have another branch in Bangsar. Well, back to the wax experience. She said that for first timer, you cant help but to fee a little bit “violated’ as you are required to literally strip from waist down and SPREAD your legs for them to wax all the hair away. And she said it is more painful for “front” part as compared to the “back” part. And you get to choose the design! Wohoo…. They can perform art on your private part (hehehe,,, it rhymes) The price for Brazilian Wax (all clean) is slightly higher. The price starts from RM140 (if I’m not mistaken). You can also opt for bikini wax and the place also offers other services which include manicure and pedicure. According to my friend, the professionalism of the staff that is performing the services will somehow make you feel comfortable throughout the process. Plus, the sexy, clean and fresh feeling that you feel afterwards is what matters the most. I’m gonna give it a try soon, and share my experience with all of you, that is when I finally gather all the courage needed
On another note, driving back home this evening, I encounter a very interesting or rather sad experience. Stopping at a traffic light, the girl who’s car is next to mine caught my attention. She is all glamorous and trendy (tapi tak lawa pun… hahaha, jahat!). Nice cloths, full make-up, big sun-glasses, cigarette on one hand and was nodding her head to the music playing on her radio. Maybe sebab dia rasa bosan, she took out a chewing gum, unwrapped it, gum into the mouth and to my horror, out go the wrapper through the window! Hello Cik Kak, awak tu melawa jer pandai, tapi sgt la teruk perangai. Have you heard of Global Warming? Or pollution for that matter? Buruk perangai tu makcik! Eeee… geram!
Ok la, dunno y I’m stressed over this tiny weeny matter. PMS kot (blame it on the PMS again).
Well people, save the environment. Peace!
Over the almost 2 hour lunch, we sure made lots of talks and definitely catching up on gossips. I was made to understand that there is a new girl who joint the company and is apparently labeled as “hot” among the guys, although my friends didn’t agree with that. According to them, her height and slim build up are the attributes that made her “look” hot. Well, that is not what we are bitching about. The problem with this “hot” chick is that she’s been bf hopping. Making promises and breaking people’s heart. Well, what can we say, serve the men right, right? They always go for good look, and personality comes second. You ask for it guys!
Next topic on the plate is BRAZILIAN WAX! My friend is sharing her experience doing it. And ouch, hell it hurts (according to her la kan…). She is doing it at Strip Ministry of Waxing, The Curve. Apparently, it is a Singapore Company and now spreading its wing to Malaysia. They also have another branch in Bangsar. Well, back to the wax experience. She said that for first timer, you cant help but to fee a little bit “violated’ as you are required to literally strip from waist down and SPREAD your legs for them to wax all the hair away. And she said it is more painful for “front” part as compared to the “back” part. And you get to choose the design! Wohoo…. They can perform art on your private part (hehehe,,, it rhymes) The price for Brazilian Wax (all clean) is slightly higher. The price starts from RM140 (if I’m not mistaken). You can also opt for bikini wax and the place also offers other services which include manicure and pedicure. According to my friend, the professionalism of the staff that is performing the services will somehow make you feel comfortable throughout the process. Plus, the sexy, clean and fresh feeling that you feel afterwards is what matters the most. I’m gonna give it a try soon, and share my experience with all of you, that is when I finally gather all the courage needed
On another note, driving back home this evening, I encounter a very interesting or rather sad experience. Stopping at a traffic light, the girl who’s car is next to mine caught my attention. She is all glamorous and trendy (tapi tak lawa pun… hahaha, jahat!). Nice cloths, full make-up, big sun-glasses, cigarette on one hand and was nodding her head to the music playing on her radio. Maybe sebab dia rasa bosan, she took out a chewing gum, unwrapped it, gum into the mouth and to my horror, out go the wrapper through the window! Hello Cik Kak, awak tu melawa jer pandai, tapi sgt la teruk perangai. Have you heard of Global Warming? Or pollution for that matter? Buruk perangai tu makcik! Eeee… geram!
Ok la, dunno y I’m stressed over this tiny weeny matter. PMS kot (blame it on the PMS again).
Well people, save the environment. Peace!
Saturday, July 04, 2009
I had just finished watching the latest season of grey’s anatomy. Very sad because Dr Steven is dying of skin cancer, and happy because Dr Grey and Dr Sheppard are engaged! And oh my! The proposal was mind blowing… Dr Sheppard was extra handsome and his hair is extra sexy and owh… I just love him!
I received wonderful news today. My best friend who used to be my roommate for 3 years back in the university is pregnant! She just got married early last month… bunting pelamin J
This morning I went to visit my kupu2 who just gave birth to a baby boy. She look good, the baby is healthy and handsome… I spent about one hour listening to her experience giving birth. It made me horrified but at the same time excited. I can’t keep my mind of babies…
Later in the evening, I instinctively text my fiancé “Sayang, I want babies”. And instantly he called me and said:
Fiancé: Nape tiba2 cakap pasal baby ni…
Me: entah… tiba2 terfikir *blushing* (not that he can see it anyway)
Fiancé: Takpela, kalau nak baby, hujung tahun nie kita buat baby… ok?
Me: *Blush even more* ok…
Hahahaha… weird. Been in a relationship with him for 4 years, we never even seriously sit and talk about married life, or wedding for that matter, and in a blink of an eye, we are starting to talk about making babies… I can’t wait! To have babies I mean. I want few of them. We will have fun together… talking, hugging, sharing, dancing, singing, reading, and other fun things that mom and kids do. I will leave the scolding, punishing, and disciplining part to their daddy. I want to be the fun ones…. Hehe
*yawn* it’s late. Tata for now.
I received wonderful news today. My best friend who used to be my roommate for 3 years back in the university is pregnant! She just got married early last month… bunting pelamin J
This morning I went to visit my kupu2 who just gave birth to a baby boy. She look good, the baby is healthy and handsome… I spent about one hour listening to her experience giving birth. It made me horrified but at the same time excited. I can’t keep my mind of babies…
Later in the evening, I instinctively text my fiancé “Sayang, I want babies”. And instantly he called me and said:
Fiancé: Nape tiba2 cakap pasal baby ni…
Me: entah… tiba2 terfikir *blushing* (not that he can see it anyway)
Fiancé: Takpela, kalau nak baby, hujung tahun nie kita buat baby… ok?
Me: *Blush even more* ok…
Hahahaha… weird. Been in a relationship with him for 4 years, we never even seriously sit and talk about married life, or wedding for that matter, and in a blink of an eye, we are starting to talk about making babies… I can’t wait! To have babies I mean. I want few of them. We will have fun together… talking, hugging, sharing, dancing, singing, reading, and other fun things that mom and kids do. I will leave the scolding, punishing, and disciplining part to their daddy. I want to be the fun ones…. Hehe
*yawn* it’s late. Tata for now.
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